To: Enigma After careful consideration of what you said last night I have arrived at the conclusion that you'll always be biased and you're going to continue to punish and cripple the rest of us due to this bias. You've openly admitted your hatred of the players and I have heard about you saying you'd get even for all they have done to you. Good luck with that you will not have my support in that effort You base everything you do or adjust on a few players which does nothing but punish the average player, I will not support you in this either I've come to agree with you on your statement that you should have never become an immortal. You should try to imagine how it would be if all the imms were as biased as you, this would be the worst mud on the planet. Your "crippling" of certain players/clans/races/average players will be your downfall. Older players are leaving the mud, soon you'll have your wish and just have your ktash friends and the few newbies that are impressed with your abilities, but as for the older players I can see their frustration building and it won't be long before they leave. I truely hope this pleases you. -Shae